Sunday, 13 March 2016

Books by T. V. Rao

Books of Talam Venkateswara Rao 
(includes authored, edited, singly, jointly, and different editions)
  1. HRD, OD and Institution Building: Essays in Memory of Udai Pareek. New Delhi: Sage Response Books, 2016 Edited jointly with Dr. Anil K Khandelwal. (
  2. Effective People: New Delhi: Random House, 2015 ( 
  3. Performance Management: Towards Organizational Excellence: New Delhi: Sage Response Books, 2016,  (
  4. HRD Audit: Evaluating the Human resources Function for Business Improvements, 2nd edition, New Delhi: Sage -Response Books, 2014 (
  5. Organization Development: Accelerating Learning and Transformation: New Delhi: Sage: Response Books, 2011 (S. Ramnarayan & T V Rao) (
  6. The Power of 360 Degree Feedback: Developing Leadership the India Way: 2nd edition, jointly with Dr. Raju Rao, New Delhi: Sage- Response Books, 2014 ( 
  7. 100 Managers in Action: New Delhi: Tata McGraw-hill, 2012 (with Charu Sharma)
  8. Entrepreneurship: A South Asian Perspective by D. F. Kuratko and T. V. Rao: New Delhi: Cengage Learning, 2012
  9. Nurturing Excellence: Indian Institute of Management, New Delhi: Macmillan, (Co-authored with Vijaya Sherry Chand, 2011)
  10. Managers who Make a Difference: New Delhi: IIMA Book Series, 2010 Random House. (Second edition 2016 with added chapters)
  11. Life after 360 Degree Feedback and Assessment and Development Centres; Editors T. V. Rao, Nandini Chawla and S. Ramnarayan): New Delhi: Excel Books, 2010 
  12. HR Best Practices; New Delhi: Steel Authority of India (jointly with Nisha Nair, Neharika Vohra, and Atul Srivastava), 2009.
  13. HRD Score Card 2500; New Delhi: Sage, Response Books, 2008
  14. Hurconomics; New Delhi: Oxford & IBH, 2008 Republished by Pearson Education: New Delhi, 2011..
  15. The Power of 360 Degree Feedback; (Jointly with Mr. Raju Rao), New Delhi: Response Books, Sage, 2005. (Won Two awards as best Management book of the Year: DMA and ISTD)
  16. The Future of HRD; New Delhi: Macmillan India, 2003
  17. HRD in Asia: First Asian Research Conference on HRD; (jointly with Ramnarayan, Udai Pareek, AAhad Usman Gani) Academy of HRD, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH, 2003.
  18. HRD Audit; New Delhi, Response Books, Sage Publications, 1999
  19. Institutionalization of Innovations in Education; Ahmedabad: Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation & TVRLS, 1999  (With Jaya Indiresan and M G Jomon)
  20. Changing Teacher Behaviour through Feedback; Hyderabad: ICFAI, 2006, (With Udai Pareek)
  21. Training for Education Managers; New Delhi: Macmillan, 2005 (With Udai Pareek)
  22. 360 Degree Feedback and Assessment & Development Centers; (edited by T V Rao and Nandini Chawla) New Delhi: Excel Publications, 2005
  23. Performance Planning and Review Manuals; Ahmedabad: TVRLS, 2005
  24. HR @ Heart of Business; (edited by TV Rao, A Gangopadhyay, RSS Mani), New Delhi: Excel Publications, 2002.
  25. Performance Management and Appraisal Systems; New Delhi: Response Books, 2004
  26. 360 Degree Feedback and Performance Management Systems; (Editors T V Rao, Gopal Mahapatra, Raju Rao and Nandini Chawla) Volume 2, Excel Publications: New Delhi 2002.
  27. 360 degree Feedback and Performance Management systems Volume 1; (Editors: T V Rao and Raju Rao), Excel Publications: New Delhi, 2000.
  28. Organizational Renewal in NGOs: Experiences and Cases; (Co-author with Uma Jain), Hyderabad: Academy of HRD, 1996
  29. Organization Development: Interventions and Strategies; (Co edited with S Ramnaryan and Kuldeep Singh), New Delhi: 1998, New Delhi: Response Books
  30. Pioneering Human Resources Development: The L&T System; Ahmedabad, Academy of HRD, 1998 (Co-author)
  31. Redesigning Performance Appraisal System; 1996, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
  32. Human Resources Development: Experiences, Interventions Strategies; 1996, Sage Publications, New Delhi
  33. Performance Appraisal and Review: Trainers Manual, Operating Manual and Skills Workbook; Learning Systems, New Delhi, 1978
  34. Designing and Managing Human Resources Systems; Oxford & IBH Publications, New Delhi, 1981, 1991, 2003 (Co-author) (This book has won ESCORTS award as best management book in 1982)
  35. Performance Appraisal: Theory and Practice; AIMA-Vikas Management Series, New Delhi, 1984 (Also translated into Bhasha Indonesia by PPM, Jakarta).
  36. Recent Experiences in Human Resources Development; Oxford and IBH, New Delhi (edited by T.V. Rao and D.F. Pereira)
  37. Alternative Approaches and Strategies of HRD; (edited by T.V. Rao, K.K. Verma, E. Abraham and A. Khandelwal), Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1987
  38. Excellence Through Human Resource Development; (editors M.R.R. Nair and T.V. Rao), New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990
  39. Designing Entrepreneurial Skills Development Programmes; London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1990 (co-author)
  40. The HRD Missionary; New Delhi, Oxford and IBH, 1990 (Second edition: 2009 TVRLS)
  41. Readings in HRD; New Delhi, Oxford and IBH, 1991
  42. Career Planning and Promotion Policies;  Ahmedabad, Academy of HRD, 1982 (co-author)
  43. Appraising & Developing Managerial Performance; AHRD Publication, 1996, reprinted at New Delhi: Excel Books, 1999
  44. Institution Building in Education and Research: From Stagnation to Self-Renewal; (Eds. R.J. Matthai, Udai Pareek and T.V. Rao), All Indian Management Association, New Delhi, 1977.
  45. Adult Education for Social Change; Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 1980 (co-author)
  46. Handbook for Trainers in Educational Management with special reference to Asia and Pacific; UNESCO, Bangkok (Co-author) 1981
  47. Management Processes in Universities; New Delhi: Oxford & IBH (PSG Monograph 1, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad 1978, co-author with R.J. Matthai and Udai Pareek)
  48. Behavioural Sciences Research in Family Planning; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1974 (co-author)
  49. Doctors in Making; Sahitya Mudranalaya, Ahmedabad, 1976
  50. Managing Family Planning Clinics; Asian and Pacific Development Administration Centre, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, 1977 (co-author)
  51. Change Agents in Family Welfare: An Action Research in Organized Industry; Academic Book Centre, Ahmedabad, 1978 (co-author with Pramod Verma)
  52. Developing Entrepreneurship: A Handbook for Policy Makers, Entrepreneurs, Trainers and Development Personnel; Learning Systems, New Delhi, 1978 (co-author)
  53. Identification and selection of Entrepreneurs; (Eds. T.V. Rao and T.K. Moulik), Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 1979
  54. Developing Motivation Through Experiencing; Oxford and IBH Publications, 1982 (co-author with Udai Pareek)
  55. Entrepreneurial Skill Development Programmes in Fifteen Commonwealth Countries: An Overview; Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 1991
  56. Handbook of Psychological and Instruments; Samasthi Publications, Baroda, 1974 (co-author)
  57. Stewart Maturity Scale: Indian Adaptation; Manasayan, New Delhi, 1976
  58. Sales Styles Diagnosis Exercises; Learning Systems, New Delhi, 1976
  59. Behaviour Processes in Organizations; Oxford and IBH Publications, New Delhi, 1981 (Co-author with Udai Pareek and D M Pestonjee)
  60. Measuring and Managing Organizational Climate; Ahmadabad: Academy of HRD, 1996 (With Dalpat Sarupriya and Dr. Sethumadhavan)
  61. Selected Readings in HRD; New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 1998 ( with Singh, Kuldeep & Nair, Baburaj)
  62. HRD Philosophies and Concepts: The Indian Perspective; Ahmedabad: Academy of HRD, 1994 (with  Abraham, E & Nair, Baburaj V. Eds.)
  63. HRD in the New economic Environment; New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 1994 (co-edited with Silveira, D. M., Srivastava, C. M. and Vidyasagar, Rajesh)
  64. Competency Mapping Education Kit (4 Volumes), Ahmedabad: TVRLS, 2005.