First I like to differentiate Human Resources Development from Human Resources department. I mean when I say HRD Human Resources Development and not Human Resources Department.
Human Resources Departments are doing important things and meet immediate requirements to conduct business. Hunan resource Development Departments (HRDDs) work for competency building, commitment building and culture building. In mid seventies when we conceptualised the HR Function we conceptualised to include worker affairs, Organization development, coaching, feedback, employee engagement, work redesign, potential identification and development, assessment centres and many more. It is heartening to see the same things are said by both Ed. Lawler and Dave Ulrich in the 15th National HRD Network Conference. What was being talked about in "Why we hate HR" which has been referred to both by Lawler and Ulrich in their talks has been envisaged in my book "HRD Missionary" released in the National HRD Network conferences in 1990.
A lot has changed since then. I have in recent times repeatedly argued in many of my presentations to NHRDN Chennai Chapter, Delhi Chapter, Bangalore Chapter and Madras School of Social work etc. between 2002 and 2008 that HRDD should work for building long term intellectual capital and not merely for the top and bottom line requirements was appreciated but not picked up. The same thing has been repeated by Mr. Gopalakrishan on his concept of Q to Q. The concept of Intellectual capital has been stressed by Dave Ulrich. I am happy that I have started new course called Intellectual capital and HRD Score Card in IIMA and is running successfully for the last two years.
I would like to repeat what I said on 17th both at the CHRO round table and in my address to the NHRDN 15th National Conference.
Human resource development Facilitators or HR leaders or HRDD should work for making HR Development a Lead function. They have the following five missions to work for:
1. Build Leaders and leadership capabilities in the organization
2. Work for invisible intellectual capital than for the visible bottom line (for long term sustainability and growth and for quarter to quarter results treating people as investments and capabilities as resources)
3. Lead by example
4. Work with the CEOs and Influence the Board and top management to do things right and also to do right things, and
5.Work with communities outside to line managers (include workmen as I consider worker also a manager- the distinction is vanishing in fast changing world) (It is high time that HRD as a Department should work towards self liquidation and should take on advisory or facilitator or lead roles).
HRD Facilitator (HRD-F) should be the term used or HRD Leader (HRD-L) or HRD Advisor (HRD-A) should be the term used. We may discover new terms.
India is in a leadership position. As many speakers said Indians think in English and act Indian. They still depend on neighbours to tell them what they should do. They need Dave Ulrich and Ed Lawler to tell them what they should be doing and do not care to read the Indian Research studies. I have the highest respect for both these scholars who have done marvellous work and feel Indian academics should use them as role models for research and thinking). It is high time that Indian scholars show their scholarship to put Indian HR into Leadership roles by doing right researches and Indian Managers and CEOs to work out a HRD that works and makes India a country in Leader. We have along way to go and the senior HR folk should guide and mentor the juniors properly and not sue them merely for administrative convenience and reduce them to a support role. Juniors entering should look for appropriate learning opportunities.
Any comments?
T V Rao
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